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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!


The Best Senior Pictures in the Desert

Dramatic, Unique, Sports and Magazine Inspired Senior Pictures for Boys and Girls

Fashion Style Senior Portraits

We specialize in magazine quality senior pictures.  We get our inspiration from magazines like it Vanity, GQ and  ESPN, our senior portraits images will make you feel like you belong on a cover!

Our senior portraits are NEVER boring!  Don't settle for the same old pictures 95% of your classmates will take.  

We provide you with a questionnaire to get to know who you are so that your senior portrait session is designed for YOU.


This is your personal senior session! You guide it all.  You get to decide if you want to have it indoors or outdoors.

Our one of a kind sports sessions are done indoors, we put out master lighting skills to use for those shots.  We use 1-5 lights to get the perfect shot!

You can also choose an outdoor location that is special to you.  If you can't think of a location we can make recommendations.  Like I said, you make the decision or we can work together to decide where we will do your senior portraits.

Do you want to make your senior portraits REALLY stand out?  We are available to travel (travel cost may be involved).  How about senior portraits in Glamis with some amazing Sand Dunes, the beach, Vegas, France or anywhere else in the world?  We love to travel and have our passports ready to go.

Step 1: All About You

This is all about getting to know you so that we can plan your perfect sports or senior portrait session.  We want to know who you are, what your interests you have, and what activities you participate in.  Most importantly, we want to know about your style.  

We will use this information to create a unique portrait session that fits your personality.  We do all this with our senior questionnaire and if needed a phone call.  

Step 2: The Shoot

Fun.  Your session is about having fun.  We make it as relaxing as possible.  We will have your favorite music playing to help make this session relaxing and fun.  This is all about your senior year and creating fun senior portraits for you.  You are welcome to bring friends and family to help keep the energy up.  Don't be surprised if we throw them in the mix.  

We will use our many years of photography and master lighting experience to make your pictures stand out.

Step 3: The Design

This is the BEST part!  We invite you back to look at your masterfully designed and edited pictures!

We also work with you and your family to design the perfect picture collections for your home.  We do that with wall art, albums and prints of your portrait session.  

Why Choose Us?

First of all, my daughter thinks I'm awesome! Case closed.

On a serious note, our work is never stagnant, we continue to work everyday at getting better.  We travel all around the world to learn from some of the best photographers.  We have spent years mastering our lighting and Photoshop skills to create our one of a kind senior portraits.